Hearts of Glass, the documentary collaboration between JenTen Productions and Slow Food in the Tetons, is a finalist in the Untold Story Crowdfunding Rally. The film focuses on the intersection of food and community and will follow the critical first year of operation of Vertical Harvest, an innovative greenhouse in Jackson, Wyoming that provides meaningful employment to individuals with disabilities.
The Untold Story Crowdfunding Rally, a partnership between Seed&Spark and Project Greenlight Digital Studios, provides filmmakers the chance to win $20,000 in funds, distribution into millions of homes and $5,000 in data storage. The rally is for feature documentaries in production whose focus is a story an audience has never seen before.
In order to be in contention, Hearts of Glass had to reach 80% of its funding goal ($25,000) by the end of a 30-day crowdfunding campaign. By the final day of the campaign, the project was 111% funded by 169 supporters. The monies raised will go toward production expenses.
Only the top ten most-followed projects advanced to the finals of the Untold Story Crowdfunding Rally. By the time the contest ended on July 1, Hearts of Glass had almost 1,000 followers. You can still visit the campaign page, sign up to “FOLLOW” and join our team – (http://bit.ly/HeartsOfGlass).