The local production company JenTen Productions, along with Slow Food in the Tetons, is planning to produce a documentary called Hearts of Glass about the first year of Vertical Harvest. Tonight there is a fundraiser at e.Leaven from 5:30-7 to help fund the production, and all our welcome to join at this event.
The event will offer appetizers and a cash bar as well as an opportunity to sample some Vertical Harvest microgreens. Representatives from Slow Food in the Tetons, JenTen Productions and Vertical Harvest will all be on hand.
The movie is currently fundraising through an online campaign at crowdfunding. It is at 80 percent of its goal and hopes to get to the rest of the funding tonight.
Tennican plans to tell the story from various points of view – food producers and consumers both inside and outside of Vertical Harvest.
“It’s exciting to step into the unknown with this innovative business,” said the filmmaker, Jennifer Tennican. “We have amazing characters with a lot a stake personally and professionally.”
Tennican has directed and produced, Far Afield: A Conservation Love Story, an award-winning documentary about 91-year-old Jackson Hole conservation icon Bert Raynes, as well as the award-winning The Stagecoach Bar: An American Crossroads. To find out more about JenTen follow them on Facebook, Instagram: JenTen_JH / #heartsofglassfilm or Twitter:@JenTen_JH / #heartsofglassfilm.