We’re constantly amazed by the different types of academic partners who find our programming valuable. This month we worked with American University on a Hearts of Glass event that engaged stakeholders in the Department of Health Studies and those in the Master’s Program in Special Education.
“Creates a terrific environment for an interdisciplinary discussion on disability inclusion, health, and community wellbeing.”
—Dr. Stacey Snelling, Department Chair
Health Studies
American University
Since we started doing our events, University Centers of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities of UCEDDs have been enthusiastic about using our programming to educate and engage current and new stakeholders. Some UCEDDs have in-house filmmakers as part of their team. We received some kind words from one of them.
“As a fellow filmmaker who produces content for our UCEDD, I appreciated the quality of the film and how it encourages integrated competitive employment for people with disabilities.”
—John Schaffer, Academic Program Coordinator
Disability Studies Minor
Institute for Human Development, Northern Arizona University